
Play in Backgammon Tournaments

By Andrew Polochkin Backgammon Tournaments – this is perhaps the most interesting form of online competition, held for money backgammon players at Play65.

If you play backgammon in tournaments you will find it very much alike, and at the same time, very different from regular backgammon matches. The main difference is that in order to win a tournament, one should definitely win a few games in a row; and there is no way to tell, who the next opponent is. Just as a blind bet. In order to play backgammon in a tournament, greater stamina and alertness are required. It can be compared to walking on the edge of a high gorge; one mistake (losing a match) and you fall to the bottom of the gorge.

Usually, the tournament’s prize is granted not only to the winner, but also to players, who successfully reach the last stages (rounds or circles) of the tournament. The average time duration of a single backgammon tournament can range between 30 minutes and an hour and half. It changes according to the length of the tournament’s games. Most tournaments’ matches are played until one player scores up to 3 points; but there are tournaments which are played up till 5 or even 7 points. Typically, final backgammon matches are played for higher points than games on lower stages of the tournament.

Once you have clicked the button, download backgammon, and installed the software; you may play backgammon online tournaments at Play65, which include the following types:
• Knockout – the most common form of online backgammon tournaments. Players play backgammon matches against each other; the loser falls out of the tournament.
• Swing – at the beginning of the tournament, all players receive the same amount of tokens. Further on in the game, these chips are used for bets. As the tournament continues, the stakes always rise. A backgammon player, who loses all his chips, falls out of the tournament.
• Satellites – qualifying matches to special tournaments; the prize – a free ticket to a backgammon tournament.
• Special – knockout tournaments with increased value prizes. These events attract a lot of good backgammon players; therefore, it should be noted, that it is recommended to participate in such backgammon tournaments, only after accumulating enough experience in the game.

Sometimes Play65 conducts special kinds of backgammon tournaments – these are qualifying competitions for bigger tournaments. Those, who take part in such competitions, should be ready to ‘get out of the shadows’. Play65 honors the winners and reveals their real names, so the backgammon world could learn about them.

These kinds of tournaments can be found under the special tabs, ‘Sit & Go’ and ‘Tournaments’. The difference between the backgammon tournaments, located under these tabs, is that the first kind starts as soon as the number of registered players meets the required number of participants. In the second case, tournaments start at certain times.

These tournaments usually take 3 hours; but be careful – when you disconnect from the server or the connection fails, you will be excluded from participation. However, you should not be worried; if there are still empty seats at the tournament (and the lack of seats is extremely rare), you are allowed to enroll back to the tournament.

View a full backgammon game; recorded by a user at the April’s Backgammon Marathon Tournament

Before playing in backgammon tournament, make sure you have a reliable Internet connection. If you will be disconnected of a game in a 3 points match, it will count as a loss; once you accumulate three losses, you will be credited with a defeat, and you will be forced to leave the backgammon tournament.

During registration for a backgammon tournament, your account will be charged with the participation fee. If you change your mind, then simply exit the tournament, before it begins and the money will be immediately returned to your account. After registering to the backgammon tournament you may continue to play backgammon regular matches, without worrying about whether the tournament has started without you (it cannot happen; just go to the games for fun). One minute before the tournament begins a countdown timer will appear.

Each backgammon tournament has its own private box, which covers all the necessary information, the player might need. At the top of the posted general information, you can view the backgammon tournament name and number, the length of matches, the date and time, in which the tournament starts, the size of the prize pool and how it is distributed.

In the right window there is a list of players – the tournament’s participants. This list can be sorted by name, players rating and the tournament’s round. In order to do so, click the appropriate column’s name in the list. Another click will overturn the order.

The left side shows the matches’; who plays with whom and at what stage. Each match in the backgammon tournament has its own number. It consists of three numbers separated by dots. The first number – the number of the backgammon tournament; the second – the number of terms; the third – the number of matches in a round. The number of the match in the circle can determine your opponent in the next round. If the digit, indicating the number of your game, is an odd number; the opponent will be the winner of the match, whose number is one above yours. If your game’s number is an even number – you will play against the winner of the match, whose number is one digit less than yours.

When you play in a backgammon tournament, do not lose an eye contact with the clock. If your time is up, you will be credited with a defeat in the match; and the tournament will be over for you.

In order not to clutter the list of tournaments, past backgammon tournaments’ results are available for view only one day. Therefore, after a victory in any major backgammon tournament, save the image of the screen with its results, place in a frame and hang on the wall. Friends will be proud of you!


